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Help us "Turn The Page" on Houston's childhood literacy crisis

Together, Books Between Kids and KHOU 11-Your Education Station are raising money to provide books for Houston children who otherwise would not be book owners. We know that children who do not read on level by the end of Grade 3, only have a 1 in 8 chance of ever catching up and are four times more likely to drop out of school. For low-income families who have no books in their homes, their children are at an even greater risk of falling behind.
That’s why we are committed to getting more books into the hands of kids in our community through our KHOU 11 Turn the Page Campaign.
Our goal this year is to again provide over 20,000 books to elementary students in our community.
With your help, we can make sure thousands of children have books to start their own home libraries and develop a life-long love of reading. 
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Thank you to our sponsors!